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Charity bake sale for Sentai

Sentai Filmworks is an anime company based out of Houston. Hurricane Harvey has wreaked devastation and left numerous Sentai employees homeless and/ or car-less. They are still well under their goal, so let’s help them get back on their feet and putting out the anime we love to watch.

How you can help:

-Donate to the Gofundme page. https://www.gofundme.com/HelpSentaiFilmworks

-Donate some handmade treats to Rainy Day Anime on Sat. Sept 30th. We will even have a section for non-edible treats, if crafters and artists would like to donate too!

-Bring cash on Sat. Sept 30th and buy some treats. The bake sale prices will be donation based, so donate what you feel each item is worth.

-Shop at Rainy Day Anime on Sat. Sept. 30th and we will donate 20% of the sales for the day.


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