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Kit Kat Tasting

Happening Sat. Feb. 1st, its $8 to participate and we will have 2 time slots to choose from:
12-1pm or 1-2pm.

Delight in sampling 12 unique Japanese Kit Kat flavors (13 if you pre-register). This will include water and crackers as palate cleansers to get the full flavor experience. For those counting, the tasting will total approximately 190-205 calories. This is an all ages event.
List of flavors:

  1. Shinshu Apple
  2. Azuki Sandwich
  3. Strawberry Chocolate Cake
  4. Sakura Kinako
  5. Tokyo Island Lemon
  6. Strawberry Cheesecake
  7. Whole Grain Biscuit
  8. Otona no Amasa Rich Matcha
  9. Otona no Amasa Strawberry
  10. Milk tea
  11. Chocolate Orange
  12. Itohkyuemon Uji Hojicha

Bonus 13th flavor for Pre-registering (select at the event):
13. Plum Sake (21 and up) or strawberry shortcake

We will have a total of 40 portions available so register early to ensure you get a taste. Pre-register in store or online at:

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